Otanav (Mayroume)ՕդանավArmenia
These notes ©2016, Andrew Carnie. This is a modern choreography by Gegik Mkhitaryan, the director of the Nor Nork dance studio in London. It is apparently based on Mayroume. I learned it at Calgary Folk Dance Fridays. The first part of the music is a song about Arto Tunçboyacin's children, the second part "Otanav" is a song about joining him on an airplane on the way to Armenia. Mayroume is the second dance in the suite commonly done after Daronee. But to be honest, I don't see the connection between the Mayroume done in Daronee and the dance described here.
Music: Arto Tunçboyacıyan - Ara Dinkjian "Balantin, Seto, Otanav". Album: Tears of Dignity
Meter: 4/4
Formation: Open circle, start facing LOD,. Start with hands held, L hand in small of own back. Leads to the R
Introduction: Start with singing
Part 1
Bar 1: Walk in LOD: R (1,2), L (3,4)
Bar 2: Repeat bar 1
Bar 3: Turn to face center, hands drop to V position. Step R to R (1,2), lift L behind R calf (3,4)
Bar 4: Step L to L, raising hands to W position (1,2), Lift R in front (3,4)
Bars 5-6: repeat bars 3-4, arms drop to V position on first count of bar 5
Bar 7: Sway on R to R, arms windshield wiper to R (1,2), Sway on L to L, arms windshield wiper to L (3,4)
Bar 8: repeat bar 7
In Calgary, they do an upper body swaying/wave motion raising R shoulder and R elbow when swaying to the R and L shoulder and L elbow when swaying to the L. I didn't teach this in Tucson, instead I substituted a more traditional Armenian windshield wiper movement, where forearms swing to the R and L bent at the elbow.
repeat this step throughout the "Ba'ntin" and "Seto" verses. When the singing stops, continue doing this step two more times. Then do the transition.
Bars 1-4: repeat bar 1 of part 1, four times (i.e., 8 walking steps)These bars are done during the "heavy strumming" part of the music
Part 2
Bar 1: Walk in LOD: R (1,2), L (3,4)
Bar 2-4: Repeat bar 1, three more times
Bar 5: Turn to face center, hands drop to V position. Step R to R (1,2), lift L behind R calf (3,4)
Bar 6: Step L to L, raising hands to W position (1,2), Lift R in front (3,4)
Bar 7: Sway on R to R, arms windshield wiper to R (1,2), Sway on L to L, arms windshield wiper to L (3,4)
Bar 8: repeat bar 7
This part starts when the "Otanav" verses are sung and is danced all the way to the end.
Other notes on the web
Calgary Folk Dance Fridays Video
I don't think the upper body wiggles here can be part of the authentic Mayroume dance, in my own group we've substituted more traditional Armenian windshield wiper armsLyrics
These seem to have been transcribed by a Turkish speaker instead of the usual Armenian transliteration. Lyrics are taken from a Youtube video of the song.bantin bantin bantinu, inç gllagor bantinu
bantin gerta hağalu, inç gllagor bantinu
bantin bantin bantinu, inç gllagor bantinu
hink hakust meg orı gı pokhes tun bantinu
bantin bantin bantinu, inç gllagor bantinu
mi pokher şad hakust bantin bantin bantinu
bantin bantin bantinu, inç sirun es bantinu
gudam gyankıs kez hamar, inç sirun es bantinu
bantin bantin bantinu, inç gllagor bantinu
bantin gellagor tursı, inç gıllagor bantinu
seto seto ah seto, inç gllagor ah seto
seto knats hağalu ver, inç gllagor ah seto
seto seto ah seto, inç gllagor ah seto
computer game gı hağas ammen orı ah seto
seto canig ah seto, inç gllagor ah seto
şad mi hağar computer game seto canig ah seto
seto seto ah seto, inç sirun es seto
gudam gyankıs kez hamar, inç sirun es seto
seto canig ah seto, inç tsayneren ah seto
nor computer game arir seto canig ah seto
otanav otanav ur gertas otanav
dar mezi otanav, ur gertas otanav
otanav otanav menk guzenk ertal, hayastan otanav otanav otanav
otanavin meçı bantin yev seton ılla, maman yev baban ılla otanav otanav
otanav otanav ur gertas otanav
dar mezi otanav, hayasdan otanav
otanavin meçı deden yev yayan ılla, onnon yev takon ılla otanav otanav
otanav otanav ur gertas otanav
dar mezi otanav, hayasdan otanav
otanavin meçı selin yev aydan ılla, arman yev ardan ılla otanav otanav
otanav otanav ur gertas otanav
dar mezi otanav, hayasdan otanav
otanavin meçı aran yev arton ılla, azkaganners ılla otanav otanav
otanav otanav ur gertas otanav
menk guzenk ertal hayasdan otanav, dar mezi otanav
otanav otanav ur gertas otanav
dar mezi otanav, hayasdan otanav
Also spelled: Mayroumeh, Mayroome
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