Kırmızı BiberTurkey
These notes ©2017, Andrew Carnie. Originally taught and choreographed by Roberto Bagnoli. The dance title translates as "Chili Pepper"
Music: Bendeniz: Turkish Groove;; Bagnoli's Ethnic Festival 2010
Meter: 4/4
Formation: Open circle, leads R, hands down in V position
Introduction: wait 15 counts after the bağlama starts playing.
Count 1: facing center, stomp on R to R
Count 2: Cross L over R
Count &: Step on R to R
Count 3: Cross L over R
Count 4: Step on R to R
Count &: Close L next to R with weight
Count 5: Step on R to R
Count &: Close L next to R with weight
Count 6: Step on R to R
Count 7: Step on L behind R
Repeat the above sequence six more times. Then do counts 1-3 one more time.
This step is only done once at the beginning of the dance. It is never repeated.
Bar 2: Repeat bar 1 with opposite footwork and direction, hands swing low in front of body from R to L.
Bar 3: Walk R (1), L (2), R (3) L (4) tracing a 1/2 CW circle to face out. L hand is held out extended, R hand is held in front of body with elbow held parallel to the ground.
Bar 4: Stamp R foot slightly in front of L and clap hands to left of head (1), Leaving your heel on the ground tap your right toe to the R, holding hands in "clapped" position next to head (2), tap toe forward (3) then to the R again (4)
Bars 5-8: repeat bars 1-4 back to original direction.
Bar 9: Take 4 steps (R,L,R,L) making a complete CW circle in place.
Bar 2: Rock on R into the center, with a knee bend lowering shoulders forward. Shimmy if you can (1), Rock back on L straightening up (2), Rock forward on R again (3), Rock back on L (4)
Bar 3: back away from the center, stepping R (1), L (&), R (2), L (3), R (&), L (4)
Bar 4: Stamp/scuff R foot next to L (1), Hop on L (&), Step on R slightly to R (2), Stamp/scuff L next to R (3), hop on R (&), Step on L next to L (4)
Bars 5-8: repeat bars 1-4
Alternate steps 2 and 3 until the end of the music
Part 1: Halay Step
This step crosses the bars, so I've broken it down by count rather than by bar:Count 1: facing center, stomp on R to R
Count 2: Cross L over R
Count &: Step on R to R
Count 3: Cross L over R
Count 4: Step on R to R
Count &: Close L next to R with weight
Count 5: Step on R to R
Count &: Close L next to R with weight
Count 6: Step on R to R
Count 7: Step on L behind R
Repeat the above sequence six more times. Then do counts 1-3 one more time.
This step is only done once at the beginning of the dance. It is never repeated.
Part 2:
Bar 1: Step on R foot to R (1), Close L next to R (&), Step on R to R (2), Close L next to R (&), Step on R to R (3), close L next to R (&), leap on to R to R (4), arms swing low in front of body from L to R. and flick up to R side.Bar 2: Repeat bar 1 with opposite footwork and direction, hands swing low in front of body from R to L.
Bar 3: Walk R (1), L (2), R (3) L (4) tracing a 1/2 CW circle to face out. L hand is held out extended, R hand is held in front of body with elbow held parallel to the ground.
Bar 4: Stamp R foot slightly in front of L and clap hands to left of head (1), Leaving your heel on the ground tap your right toe to the R, holding hands in "clapped" position next to head (2), tap toe forward (3) then to the R again (4)
Bars 5-8: repeat bars 1-4 back to original direction.
Bar 9: Take 4 steps (R,L,R,L) making a complete CW circle in place.
Part 3
Bar 1: traveling into the center, step R (1), L (&), R (2), L (3), R (&), L (4)Bar 2: Rock on R into the center, with a knee bend lowering shoulders forward. Shimmy if you can (1), Rock back on L straightening up (2), Rock forward on R again (3), Rock back on L (4)
Bar 3: back away from the center, stepping R (1), L (&), R (2), L (3), R (&), L (4)
Bar 4: Stamp/scuff R foot next to L (1), Hop on L (&), Step on R slightly to R (2), Stamp/scuff L next to R (3), hop on R (&), Step on L next to L (4)
Bars 5-8: repeat bars 1-4
Alternate steps 2 and 3 until the end of the music
Other instructions on the web:
Tucson Video
Other videos on the web
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Bal döken diline "kırmızı biberi"
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From comments on the youtube video:
Is she in a hurry, is she in haste A short kiss suits me very well My God, what happened to me this time Look, she is still playing her tricks Did you forget my hidden places, my scents, those shames of yours Anyway, however much of your mind is left Give me that too, how beautiful it is to make love I stamped her seal, she will see her day (this is a exact translation but the meaning of "she will see her day" is "to punish") She will seek and ask, one after another she will look She will turn around and around and fall into my hand I torment you, come on, let's see I did not rub the red pepper on your honey-pouring tongue, but this time I roll it up Who was I, I flew and went away from her hands What have you denied through this madness I am in loss because of your forbidden devil This attitude of hers is killing me, she doesn't know how she drove me crazy
Also spelled Kirmizi